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This file was automatically generated by json-schema-to-typescript. DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify the source JSONSchema file, and run json-schema-to-typescript to regenerate this file.


  • Asset



createdAt?: number

Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which asset was created

deleted?: boolean

Set to true when the asset is deleted

downloadUrl?: string

URL to manually download the asset if desired

hash?: { algorithm?: string; hash?: string }[]

Hash of the asset

id: string
meta?: {}

User input metadata associated with the asset

Type declaration

  • [k: string]: string
name: string

Name of the asset. This is not necessarily the filename, can be a custom name or title

objectStoreId?: string

Object store ID where the asset is stored

playbackId?: string

Used to form playback URL and storage folder

playbackUrl?: string

URL for HLS playback

size?: number

Size of the asset in bytes

sourceAssetId?: string

ID of the source asset (root) - If missing, this is a root asset

status?: { errorMessage?: string; phase: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"; storage?: { ipfs?: { data?: { nftMetadataCid?: string; nftMetadataGatewayUrl?: string; nftMetadataUrl?: string; videoFileCid: string; videoFileGatewayUrl?: string; videoFileUrl?: string }; taskIds: { failed?: string; last?: string; pending?: string } } }; updatedAt: number }

Status of the asset

Type declaration

  • Optional errorMessage?: string

    Error message if the asset creation failed.

  • phase: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"

    Phase of the asset

  • Optional storage?: { ipfs?: { data?: { nftMetadataCid?: string; nftMetadataGatewayUrl?: string; nftMetadataUrl?: string; videoFileCid: string; videoFileGatewayUrl?: string; videoFileUrl?: string }; taskIds: { failed?: string; last?: string; pending?: string } } }
    • Optional ipfs?: { data?: { nftMetadataCid?: string; nftMetadataGatewayUrl?: string; nftMetadataUrl?: string; videoFileCid: string; videoFileGatewayUrl?: string; videoFileUrl?: string }; taskIds: { failed?: string; last?: string; pending?: string } }
      • Optional data?: { nftMetadataCid?: string; nftMetadataGatewayUrl?: string; nftMetadataUrl?: string; videoFileCid: string; videoFileGatewayUrl?: string; videoFileUrl?: string }
        • Optional nftMetadataCid?: string

          IPFS CID of the default metadata exported for the video

        • Optional nftMetadataGatewayUrl?: string

          URL to access metadata file via HTTP through an IPFS gateway

        • Optional nftMetadataUrl?: string

          URL for the metadata file with the IPFS protocol

        • videoFileCid: string

          IPFS CID of the exported video file

        • Optional videoFileGatewayUrl?: string

          URL to access file via HTTP through an IPFS gateway

        • Optional videoFileUrl?: string

          URL for the file with the IPFS protocol

      • taskIds: { failed?: string; last?: string; pending?: string }
        • Optional failed?: string

          ID of the last task to fail execution.

        • Optional last?: string

          ID of the last task to run successfully, that created the currently saved data.

        • Optional pending?: string

          ID of any currently running task that is exporting this asset to IPFS.

  • updatedAt: number

    Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which the asset was last updated

storage?: { ipfs?: { nftMetadata?: {} } }

Type declaration

  • Optional ipfs?: { nftMetadata?: {} }
    • Optional nftMetadata?: {}

      Additional data to add to the NFT metadata exported to IPFS. Will be deep merged with the default metadata exported.

      • [k: string]: unknown
type?: "video" | "audio"

Type of the asset.

userId?: string

owner of the asset

videoSpec?: { bitrate?: number; duration?: number; format?: string; tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[] }

Video metadata

Type declaration

  • Optional bitrate?: number

    Bitrate of the video in bits per second

  • Optional duration?: number

    Duration of the asset in seconds (float)

  • Optional format?: string

    Format of the asset

  • Optional tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[]

    List of tracks associated with the asset when the format contemplates them (e.g. mp4)

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