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  • Task



createdAt?: number

Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which task was created

deleted?: boolean

Set to true when the task is deleted

id: string

Task ID

inputAssetId?: string

ID of the input asset

output?: { export?: { ipfs?: ExportToIPFSOutput }; import?: { assetSpec?: Asset; metadataFilePath?: string; videoFilePath?: string }; transcode?: { asset?: { assetSpec?: { createdAt?: number; deleted?: boolean; downloadUrl?: string; hash?: { algorithm?: string; hash?: string }[]; id?: string; meta?: {}; name: string; objectStoreId?: string; playbackId?: string; size?: number; sourceAssetId?: string; status?: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"; type?: "video" | "audio"; updatedAt?: number; userId?: string; videoSpec?: { bitrate?: number; duration?: number; format?: string; tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[] } }; metadataFilePath?: string; videoFilePath?: string } } }

Output of the task

Type declaration

  • Optional export?: { ipfs?: ExportToIPFSOutput }

    Output of the export task

  • Optional import?: { assetSpec?: Asset; metadataFilePath?: string; videoFilePath?: string }

    Output of the import task

    • [k: string]: unknown
    • Optional assetSpec?: Asset
    • Optional metadataFilePath?: string
    • Optional videoFilePath?: string
  • Optional transcode?: { asset?: { assetSpec?: { createdAt?: number; deleted?: boolean; downloadUrl?: string; hash?: { algorithm?: string; hash?: string }[]; id?: string; meta?: {}; name: string; objectStoreId?: string; playbackId?: string; size?: number; sourceAssetId?: string; status?: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"; type?: "video" | "audio"; updatedAt?: number; userId?: string; videoSpec?: { bitrate?: number; duration?: number; format?: string; tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[] } }; metadataFilePath?: string; videoFilePath?: string } }
    • Optional asset?: { assetSpec?: { createdAt?: number; deleted?: boolean; downloadUrl?: string; hash?: { algorithm?: string; hash?: string }[]; id?: string; meta?: {}; name: string; objectStoreId?: string; playbackId?: string; size?: number; sourceAssetId?: string; status?: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"; type?: "video" | "audio"; updatedAt?: number; userId?: string; videoSpec?: { bitrate?: number; duration?: number; format?: string; tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[] } }; metadataFilePath?: string; videoFilePath?: string }
      • [k: string]: unknown
      • Optional assetSpec?: { createdAt?: number; deleted?: boolean; downloadUrl?: string; hash?: { algorithm?: string; hash?: string }[]; id?: string; meta?: {}; name: string; objectStoreId?: string; playbackId?: string; size?: number; sourceAssetId?: string; status?: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"; type?: "video" | "audio"; updatedAt?: number; userId?: string; videoSpec?: { bitrate?: number; duration?: number; format?: string; tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[] } }
        • Optional createdAt?: number

          Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which asset was created

        • Optional deleted?: boolean

          Set to true when the asset is deleted

        • Optional downloadUrl?: string

          URL to manually download the asset if desired

        • Optional hash?: { algorithm?: string; hash?: string }[]

          Hash of the asset

        • Optional id?: string
        • Optional meta?: {}

          User input metadata associated with the asset

          • [k: string]: string
        • name: string

          Name of the asset. This is not necessarily the filename, can be a custom name or title

        • Optional objectStoreId?: string

          Object store ID where the asset is stored

        • Optional playbackId?: string

          Used to form playback URL and storage folder

        • Optional size?: number

          Size of the asset in bytes

        • Optional sourceAssetId?: string

          ID of the source asset (root) - If missing, this is a root asset

        • Optional status?: "waiting" | "ready" | "failed"

          Status of the asset

        • Optional type?: "video" | "audio"

          Type of the asset.

        • Optional updatedAt?: number

          Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which the asset was last updated

        • Optional userId?: string

          owner of the asset

        • Optional videoSpec?: { bitrate?: number; duration?: number; format?: string; tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[] }

          Video metadata

          • Optional bitrate?: number

            Bitrate of the video in bits per second

          • Optional duration?: number

            Duration of the asset in seconds (float)

          • Optional format?: string

            Format of the asset

          • Optional tracks?: { bitDepth?: number; bitrate?: number; channels?: number; codec: string; duration?: number; fps?: number; height?: number; pixelFormat?: string; sampleRate?: number; startTime?: number; type: "video" | "audio"; width?: number }[]

            List of tracks associated with the asset when the format contemplates them (e.g. mp4)

      • Optional metadataFilePath?: string
      • Optional videoFilePath?: string
outputAssetId?: string

ID of the output asset

params?: { export?: { custom: { headers?: {}; method?: string; url: string } } | { ipfs: { nftMetadata?: {}; pinata?: { jwt: string } | { apiKey: string; apiSecret: string } } }; import?: { uploadedObjectKey?: string; url?: string }; transcode?: { profile?: FfmpegProfile } }

Parameters of the task

Type declaration

  • Optional export?: { custom: { headers?: {}; method?: string; url: string } } | { ipfs: { nftMetadata?: {}; pinata?: { jwt: string } | { apiKey: string; apiSecret: string } } }

    Parameters for the export task

  • Optional import?: { uploadedObjectKey?: string; url?: string }

    Parameters for the import task

    • Optional uploadedObjectKey?: string

      S3 object key of the uploaded asset

    • Optional url?: string

      URL of the asset to import

  • Optional transcode?: { profile?: FfmpegProfile }

    Parameters for the transcode task

status?: { errorMessage?: string; phase?: "waiting" | "failed" | "pending" | "running" | "completed" | "cancelled"; progress?: number; updatedAt?: number }

Status of the task

Type declaration

  • Optional errorMessage?: string

    Error message if the task failed

  • Optional phase?: "waiting" | "failed" | "pending" | "running" | "completed" | "cancelled"

    Phase of the task

  • Optional progress?: number

    Current progress of the task in a 0-100 percentage

  • Optional updatedAt?: number

    Timestamp (in milliseconds) at which task was updated

type?: "export" | "import" | "transcode"

Type of the task

userId?: string

User ID of the task owner

Generated using TypeDoc